Dual careers in the Netherlands

I will be relocating to the Netherlands or I am new to the Netherlands and have yet to find work. I don’t speak Dutch and would be happy to receive any advice from you with regards to employment possibilities and opportunities in the Netherlands.

Where can I find information about international jobs in the Netherlands?

What kind of CV and cover letter is customary to support job applications in the Netherlands?

What steps should I take to prepare myself for my interview?

Where can I find job openings for students?

How can I find an internship?

Will I be paid during my internship?

Do I need a work permit to work in the Netherlands?

Does Dutch employment law apply to me?

What is a CAO (collective labour agreement)?

How do I know that my contract is in accordance with Dutch law?

I want to know whether or not the employers in the Netherlands are obliged to pay a majority of the employee’s travel to work expenses, and if they're not, is there a way I can claim it back in taxes?

What are my legal rights and obligations when I have a permanent employment contract?

What are my legal rights and obligations when I have an employment contract with an employment agency?

I have some legal issues with my employment contract. Where can I get a legal assistance?

What are the official public holidays in the Netherlands?

What vacations am I entitled to in the Netherlands?

I receive unemployment benefits from my own country. How do I maintain this once I move to the Netherlands?

What are the requirements to be eligible for unemployment benefits?

What is the procedure for claiming unemployment benefits?

What is the transitievergoeding (transition compensation)? And do I qualify for it?

What type of benefit is available if I don’t have any revenue/income?

What kind of benefit is available if I become ill?

What kind of benefit is available if I remain ill for a long time?

What is the pension age in the Netherlands and who is entitled?

Can you give me some key insights into Dutch business culture?

Where can I find out about opportunities to do useful voluntary work or join social clubs?

What kind of volunteer work is available in the Netherlands?

Are there also volunteering opportunities if I can’t commit for a longer term?

Do I need a work permit in order to volunteer?

If I get a small fee for my volunteer work, is this tax free?

As a foreigner, am I entitled to start a business in the Netherlands?

Can I renew a residence permit for entrepreneurs?

What issues should I consider in order to set up and develop a business?

What are the fundamental requirements that I will need to comply with in starting a business?

How can I choose the legal form or business structure for my company?

Are there any entities that can give support for starting a business?

What taxes do I have to pay for an incorporated business structure?

What kinds of financial support for starters is available in the Netherlands?

What insurances should I consider as a self-employed professional?

How do I terminate/dissolve my company?

What are the steps to start my own business in the Netherlands?

My employer doesn’t offer any pensions. How can I arrange a pension myself?

How is the Dutch pension system set up?

The Dutch pension system is made up of three pillars: Pillar 1 – The State or AOW (Algemene Ouderdomswet) pension, which is the basic pension paid out when one reaches the retirement age. The state pension is administered by the SVB  (Sociale Verzekeringsbank).  Workplace or company pensions funded by both employer and employee contributions. They are private or collective pension schemes connected to a specific industry, company or independent professional pension funds and are mostly managed by pension funds or insurance companies. Employees are entitled to choose their scheme preference within their pension fund. Updating your employer details with your pension fund is vital. More information is available on this website  . Pillar 3 – Private pension schemes are funded by personal contributions that are voluntary. Self-employed individuals and employees in industries that do not have collective pension funds contribute to this option.

To summarise: If you have lived or worked in the Netherlands, you will receive a state pension (Pillar 1) which will be calculated proportional to the number of years that you have worked in the Netherlands.

If you receive pension benefits from a work pension fund (Pillar 2) depends on if you signed a pension agreement with your employer and if you keep track of your Dutch pension scheme. How much you will receive depends on your salary and the number of years you worked. Should you die, your partner may be entitled to a part of your Dutch pension. If you are not married, it is essential to inform the pension fund you want your partner to be egilible of a part of your pension after your death. If you fail to do so, your partner may not be egilible to receive any money from the pension fund. 

You will only receive benefits from personal/individual pension (Pillar 3) if you took out a private pension.

I have heard employees receive a holiday allowance. How much do I get and when?

What should I do when I am ill and unable to work?

What is the difference between an internship and a traineeship?