ACCESS NL > Relocating to the Netherlands > Legal matters in the Netherlands > Moving to the Netherlands requires registration with the BRP

Moving to the Netherlands requires registration with the BRP

BRP stands for the Basisregistratie Personen, or the Personal Records Database of the municipality.

Depending on who you are or where you come from, specific rules apply.

The Dutch law stipulates that all new residents register within five days of arrival if they know that they will reside in the Netherlands for a period longer than four months. Registration with the BRP triggers the start of other processes and a proof of the registration is necessary for many more formalities.

You must register in the city or town of residence. It is mandatory to change this registration if you move to another city or town.

The three famous Dutch acronyms you will encounter when you enter the Dutch administration are IND (Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst), BRP and BSN (Burgerservicenummer– former SOFI number).

Several procedures for BRP

You may find specific information on the procedures in your specfic expat desk considering your personal situation:


  • Registration procedures for EU/EEA citizens of member states of the EU, EEA or Switzerland.
  • Registration procedures for Non-EU Citizens of states NOT belonging to the EU, EEA or Switzerland.
  • Registration procedures for Privileged Persons (Geprivilegieerden) – members of the diplomatic corps and staff of the international organisations registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Registration procedures for Expats and Highly-Skilled Migrants – expats and highly-skilled migrants who will live in the Municipality of The Hague and work at a select group of companies or already have a Kennismigrantenregeling sticker from the IND in their passport.
  • Relocation within the Netherlands


Leaving the Netherlands (Deregistration)

Just as it is compulsory to register upon arrival, it is also necessary to de-register when you move out of the Netherlands.

Unlisted address

If you prefer to keep your personal data confidential so that companies and private individuals are not able to access the same in the BRP, then you may submit a request to the BRP asking them to do so.