
What is a BSN? Am I required to get one?

What is DigiD?

DigiD (short for Digital Identification) is a form of online ID that allows you access to many services and government websites in the Netherlands. This includes doing your taxes, applying for a government benefit, checking your Dutch pension or health insurance, and any other actions. The DigiD consists of a username and password that are linked to your personal public service number (BSN). Most information about the DigiD can be found at:

You can find a more dynamic and simple explanation about DigiD on the following link (available in English, French, Arabic and Dutch):

Will my driving licence be valid?

Which insurances are most important in the Netherlands?

Is there any insurance that applies to me as a student?

List of useful numbers in the Netherlands

What to do when I hear the sirens?

Which formalities are needed when I move within the Netherlands?

What is a living will?