ACCESS NL > Living in the Netherlands > Emergency numbers and other useful information
Emergency numbers and other useful information
In this section, you may find useful details and numbers on: emergency numbers, Police stations, 24-hour medical service, 24-hour Gas/Electricity Number, Counselling and Helplines, Lost and Found, Embassies/Consulates and useful Dutch words.
The Netherlands country code is +31.
Emergency Numbers
112 is the emergency number for fire, police and ambulance and so is only to be used in cases of real emergency, when every second counts. 112 is the emergency number throughout Europe.
Police stations
For police services first call 0900 8844. You will then be connected to your local police station or visit
24-hour medical service
The common rule for huisartsen (GP’s) is to call your own GP if you have problems. If he/she is not available, you will usually get a phone number of the person on call. It may also be listed on the website of your GP. The emergency doctor’s office exists for problems outside of regular doctor’s hours. The service operates at night and around the clock during weekends and public holidays.
In case of life threatening situations, call 112.
The common rule for dentists is to call your own dentist if you have problems. If he/she is not available, you will usually get a phone number of the person on call. It may also be listed on the website of your dentist. You can find a dentist in your area on (Dutch only)
24hr Veterinary Service
The common rule for vets is to call your own veterinarian if your pet has problems. If he/she is not available, you will usually get a phone number of the person on call. It may also be listed on the website of your vet.
Gas, electricity 24-hour number:
A 24-hour national number to call for electricity, gas or meter problems, if you suspect a gas leak, smell fumes or have a general power problem: 0800 9009.
Important information
The first Monday of the month at 12:00 noon, emergency sirens are tested. Do not be alarmed. In the event of a real emergency, turn on your television or radio to a local station for further information.
Useful numbers
ACCESS Counselling Service Network
(also see Counsellor on Call)
085 4000338
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Assault Centre
0800 0188 (free and anonymous, 24/7)
SOS Distress
In life threatening situations call 112
Suicide prevention – 0900 113
Police – 0900 8844 (not in case of life threatening situations)
Luisterlijn (previously called SOS telephone helpline) – 0900 0767
Gas and electricity emergencies (24/7) 0800 9009
Helpline for children and teenagers (kindertelefoon) 0800 0432
Gay & lesbian switchboard 020 623 6565
AIDS , SOA infoline
0900 204 2040
(Monday to Wednesday : 09.30 – 15.30, thursday and Friday: 13.30 to 15.30)
Alcohol, drugs, gaming & smoking abuse
020 – 625 6057
Drugs information (anonymous) 0900 1995 (during office hours only)
Narcotics Anonymous 06 223 410 50
Domestic Violence
Veilig Thuis 0800 2000 (24/7, anonymous)
Lost and Found
Lost Something?
Go to, register what you lost and see if it is found. Always do a theft online declaration via in case of theft or visit the politiebureau.
Found Something?
Report an object you found at:, and keep it at home. If no one comes to collect the object after one year, you can keep it. Handing in at the police station is no longer possible.
For more information visit or
Credit Cards lost or stolen
Mastercard and VISA card, call your bank or 020 6600611
VISA 0800 0222 3110,
American Express 020 5048196
0800 – 0313
Eurocard (Mastercard)
030 – 283 5555
ING Mastercard
058 – 212 6000
Amsterdam – 020 777 77 77 (Taxi Centrale Amsterdam)
The Hague – 070 390 77 22 (HTMC)
Rotterdam – 010 – 462 6060 (Rotterdamse Taxi Centrale)
Public transport
0900 9292
Embassies and Consulates
Find your Embassy or Consulate in the Netherlands: