ACCESS NL > Education in the Netherlands > Dutch higher education
Dutch higher education
The Dutch system of vocational and higher education
It is more common these days to continue your education abroad. Having successfully completed a secondary school education you have the following options:
- Research university (universiteit)
- Third level vocational education, college (HBO) or so called universities of applied science
- MBO (middelbaar beroepsonderwijs), this is a senior secondary educational course taking from one to four years
Useful websites with English options unless stated
Regional Community College of Amsterdam (Dutch only) (vocational education and civic integration courses)
MBO Raad (explanation of Dutch vocational education and training)
ROC (Dutch website, database for courses and work placements)
Study in Holland (an initiative from EP-nuffic, the organisation for the internationalisation of education)
Studyfinder (database with higher education courses in English and other useful information)
Higher Education Code of Conduct (for a list of institutions that have signed the international code of conduct in higher education)
Qompas (Dutch only, database for courses and career paths in the Netherlands)
Masters Portal (database of masters courses worldwide)
Other useful websites
These websites are in Dutch but give links to all courses, universities and colleges in the Netherlands at various levels of education. Most institutions found here will have English websites:
- MBO level (Dutch only)
- HBO level (Dutch only)
- University level (Dutch only)