ACCESS NL > Relocating to the Netherlands > First three months > Formalities > Is there any insurance that applies to me as a student?


What is a BSN? Am I required to get one?

Will my driving licence be valid?

Which insurances are most important in the Netherlands?

Is there any insurance that applies to me as a student?

Dutch health insurance
International students studying in the Netherlands are usually not required to take out a Dutch health insurance. For more information you can visit the section Dutch medical insurance for students on the ACCESS FAQ’s.

Inboedelverzekering (home insurance)
This insurance can be used against loss, theft or damage of the contents of your residence. If you rent a room/apartment, you should check if your landlord has contents insurance and whether or not your contents are covered by the landlord’s policy. Valuable items may need to be covered by a special separate policy.

Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering (liability insurance)
In the Netherlands, it is very normal to have liability insurance; more than 90% of all Dutch citizens have this insurance. With this liability insurance, you are covered against any damage you unintentionally cause to another person or person’s property.

List of useful numbers in the Netherlands

What to do when I hear the sirens?

Which formalities are needed when I move within the Netherlands?

What is a living will?