ACCESS NL > Relocating to the Netherlands > First three months > Formalities > Which insurances are most important in the Netherlands?


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Which insurances are most important in the Netherlands?

There are a few insurances that are compulsory in the Netherlands:

  • If you reside in the Netherlands, you have to apply for a basisverzekering (basic health insurance)
  • If you own a house and have a mortgage, an overlijdensrisicoverzekering (term life insurance) is usually required by your mortgage provider
  • If you have a car, a third party  wettelijke aansprakelijkheidsverzekering – WA (legal liability insurance)  is compulsory. However, to protect yourself against the costs of repair to your car if it is involved in an accident or if it is stolen, you are advised to take out fully cascoverzekering (comprehensive insurance), although this is usually more expensive

The following insurances are not compulsory but it may be a good idea to check whether to get them:

  • Aanvullende verzekering (additional health insurance)
  • Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering (liability insurance) including damage you cause to others or their goods, damage caused by your pet or damage abroad
  • Rechtbijstandsverzekering (legal aid insurance)
  • If you rent or own a house an inboedelverzekering (home insurance)
  • If you own a house  an opstalverzekering (residential premises insurance) will be needed to take out a Dutch mortgage

Depending on your situation, additional insurances can be taken out, such as an ongevallen inzittenden verzekering (personal accident insurance), schade inzittendenverzekering (personal damage insurance) or levensverzekering (life insurance).

Is there any insurance that applies to me as a student?

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