ACCESS NL > Relocating to the Netherlands > First three months > Formalities > List of useful numbers in the Netherlands


What is a BSN? Am I required to get one?

Will my driving licence be valid?

Which insurances are most important in the Netherlands?

Is there any insurance that applies to me as a student?

List of useful numbers in the Netherlands

Useful numbers


ACCESS Counselling Service Network

(also see Counsellor on Call)

0900 222 2377

Parnassia The Hague

070 – 391 6391

PsyQ International (8.30 until 17.30 and on Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30 until 20.00)

088 357 3478

(Netherlands Association for Outpatients’ Mental Health Care)

Sexual Abuse


020 – 611 6022

Centre for Domestic Violence Amsterdam

020 626 3800 (8.00 – 23.00)

Emergency 06 10599458

The Hague

070 – 362 0496

Other locations

0900 899 8411

(Weekdays 09:00 – 23:00

Weekends 15:00 – 23:00)

SOS Distress

Amsterdam (24hr)

020 – 675 7575

The Hague (24hr)

070 – 345 4500

Rotterdam (24hr)

010 – 436 2323

Zoetermeer (20:00 – 02:00)

079 – 352 3737


030 – 294 3344

Some of these organisations are run by Dutch volunteers. If the volunteer cannot speak English, one will be found who can help. If the answer is a tape in Dutch, listen carefully – how to reach someone in person will be explained.


AIDS infoline

0900 204 2040

(in English, Monday to Wednesday : 09.30 – 15.30, thursday and Friday: 13.30 to 15.30)

Alcoholics Anonymous (24hr)

020 – 625 6057

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Amsterdam (drugs, alcohol)

Jellinek Drug and alcohol help center

088 505 1220

The Hague

Triora 088 358 3741

Rotterdam (drugs, alcohol & clinic)

IGHD verslavingzorg 010 423 2711

Domestic Violence

Centre for Domestic Violence Amsterdam

020 626 3800 (8.00 – 23.00)

Emergency – 06 10599458

The Hague (24hr, everyday)

070 – 392 5774

Rotterdam (24hr, everyday)

010 – 476 1680

Child Line (02:00 – 20:00 everyday)
0800 0432

Drugs Advice Clinic


020 – 570 2355

The Hague Parnassia

070 – 391 7800

Lost and Found

Lost Something?
Go to, register what you lost and see if it is found. Always do a theft online declaration via in case of theft or visit the policiebureau.

Found Something?
Report an object you found at:, and keep it at home. If no one comes to collect the object after one year, you can keep it. Handing in at the police station is no longer possible from January 2013.

For more information visit or

Credit Cards

0800 – 0313

Eurocard       (Mastercard)

030 – 283 5555

Giro Pass/Giros (24hr)    (ING MAstercard)

058 – 212 6000

Visa Card issued inside NL  (ABN AMRO)

020 – 660 0611

Visa Card issued outside NL

0800 022 4176


020 – 504 8000

Amex (after 20:00 and weekends)

020 – 504 8666

In a taxi
Amsterdam – 020 – 677 7777

The Hague – 070 – 555 5555

Rotterdam – 010 – 462 6060

In public transport or places
0900 9292

Embassies and Consulates

Find your Embassy or Consulate in the Netherlands:



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