ACCESS NL > Education in the Netherlands > Dutch school system > After-school activities for kids > Where can I find after school care for my child?
After-school activities for kids
Where can I find an after-school language programme in my mother tongue for my child at primary/secondary level?
What kind of after school/leisure activities are available in English in the Netherlands?
Where can I find after school care for my child?
In the Netherlands out-of-school care (buitenschoolse opvang, BSO) is usually arranged outside the regular school system. However, primary schools are legally obliged to offer this if parents ask for it. As most schools don’t have the resources and staff to do, they will refer you to a specialised organisation. Many out-of-school organisations have waiting lists. It is therefore advised to contact them well in advance.
The Dutch government reimburses a substantial portion of the cost of BSO. This benefit is called kinderopvangtoeslag. The amount that you will be entitled to receive is dependent on several factors such as the number of children, family income and the working hours of parents.
You can find more about the kinderopvangtoeslag in the FAQ about childcare .