ACCESS NL > Housing in the Netherlands > Renting a house in the Netherlands > How about taking possession?
Renting a house in the Netherlands
How can I avoid scams when looking for a rental property?
What are the standard practices for renting via a makelaar (real estate agent)?
Am I required to pay a commission fee?
What is the process of finalising the deal while renting a property?
I have rented a house and some repairs are needed. Who is responsible for this: the landlord or I?
How about taking possession?
We advise you to insist on a formal check by the owner or the agent. Under normal circumstances, a checklist will be filled in regarding the condition of the house, furnishings and fixtures, and the condition of the exterior/garden. To avoid any conflict when you leave the property, it is advisable to check the following beforehand: the inside of the kitchen and bathroom cabinets, curtains and carpeting are clean, and the garden is neat and tidy. The central heating and chimneys should have been checked and serviced. You are expected to hand the house back to the owner in the same condition as you received it. It is best to take photos with dates as evidence for your records so getting back your deposit later should not be an issue. Also the meter stand readings for the electricity, water and gas should be noted.