ACCESS NL > Housing in the Netherlands > Renting a house in the Netherlands > Am I required to pay a commission fee?
Renting a house in the Netherlands
How can I avoid scams when looking for a rental property?
What are the standard practices for renting via a makelaar (real estate agent)?
Am I required to pay a commission fee?
Usually the tenant does not have to pay a commission fee. If a rental agent works for both the tenant and landlord, he is not allowed to charge a commission to a tenant. He has to charge the landlord for this.
A rental agent is only allowed to work for both tenant and landlord if the tenant agrees with that in writing. There are two exceptions to the rule that tenants do not need to pay a commission:
- The rental agent assists in finding the so called ‘onzelfstandige woonruimte’, i.e. housing without your own front door (such as student rooms) and/or without exclusive use of a kitchen, bathroom and toilet
- If a rental agency is not working for the landlord, but only for the tenant. In these situations, it is allowed to ask a commission from the tenant
If you rented an apartment in the past five years and you were charged agency fees, usually about a month’s rent plus taxes, this might not have been legal. If so, you might be able to claim a refund. More information how to do this is available on