ACCESS NL > Education in the Netherlands > Dutch school system > Primary and secondary education > I am moving to the Netherlands soon. I am considering home schooling for my children. Is this allowed in the Netherlands?
Primary and secondary education
I am planning to stay here for a long time. Should I send my children to a Dutch or an international school?
I have a 14 year old daughter who is coming to live with me in the Netherlands. She does not speak any Dutch. Therefore, can you recommend a Dutch state school where my daughter can learn the language as well as being taught the normal academic subjects?
Do all international schools teach in English?
What are the principle aims of Dutch primary school education and what subjects will my child be taught?
I want to raise my children bilingually. Are there any Dutch schools that teach (partly) in English?
What are the options for my child’s secondary and higher education options in Dutch schools and universities?
I am moving to the Netherlands soon. I am considering home schooling for my children. Is this allowed in the Netherlands?
In the Netherlands, all children aged 5-18 are required to attend school. Hence, ‘home schooling’ is not allowed. There are, however, a few situations in which an exception can be made. If you have objections to the view of life (e.g. religion) of every school in your area, you need to give a declaration to your municipality about this. You can contact your municipality for more information about the content of the declaration.
If your child is physically and/or mentally unable to attend school, you need permission for home schooling from your municipality.
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Thuisonderwijs – NVvTO is the Netherlands home schooling association. It is an organisation of parents (and other adults who function as such) who wish to home school their children whilst in the Netherlands and have done so in the past, or plan to do so in the future. More information regarding this can be found on