ACCESS NL > Education in the Netherlands > Learning Dutch
Learning Dutch
As newly arrived expats in the Netherlands it is easy to end up in sensory overload. It takes energy and tenacity to find your way in a new country, culture, job, home, neighbourhood, school and local Dutch community. For some, it is hard to imagine grappling with a new language as well, and you will be pleasantly surprised to learn that so many Dutch speak English.
Regardless of how long you have been in the Netherlands or how long you plan to stay, learning to speak at least some Dutch can positively impact your experience here. Mastering fluency, or speaking no Dutch at all, don’t have to be the only options..
Moreover, for some non-EU citizens, a basic knowledge of Dutch has recently become a prerequisite for obtaining a visa and authorisation to stay in the Netherlands.
There are many options for learning Dutch as a second language. You can choose from courses ranging from beginner to advanced as well as private and group lessons, or even decide to study on your own. Language schools abound in the Netherlands and are offering everything from basic survival Dutch to courses that prepare you for proficiency exams.