ACCESS NL > Dual careers in the Netherlands > Starting a business in the Netherlands > Financial matters > What insurances should I consider as a self-employed professional?

Financial matters

What kinds of financial support for starters is available in the Netherlands?

What insurances should I consider as a self-employed professional?

Before starting a business, you should evaluate the possible risks in your particular line of work and insure them. An independent entrepreneur runs risks unknown to employees, such as not having any income when unable to work due to illness or accident, or being held responsible for mistakes or damage caused.

There are various types of personal and business insurance:

Healthcare insurance

A healthcare insurance (basisverzekering) is mandatory in The Netherlands. Every resident of the Netherlands pays a nominal premium of approximately EUR 1,300 per year on a basic health insurance. This premium is paid directly to the health insurance company of your choice. Extra insurance is needed to cover various risks. More information on the FAQ about Duth Health insurance.

You could also consider partial or private invalidity insurance and accident insurance.

Pension insurance

Every inhabitant of the Netherlands over a certain age (depending on your birth date) receives AOW, a national old age pension. This is a basic pension, which may not be sufficient to live on. Therefore, be advised to build up a supplementary pension through a pension insurance scheme. You could take out an annuity policy or another type of savings scheme.

For more information visit the Dutch government website:

Other insurances

Professional types of insurance include: business and professional liability insurance, business liability insurance, professional liability insurance, legal expenses insurance, insurance for goods, machinery and equipment; buildings insurance, credit insurance.

For more information visit the Dutch government website: