ACCESS NL > Relocating to the Netherlands > First three months > Transportation Netherlands > What kinds of tickets are available for the train?

Transportation Netherlands

I find it difficult and expensive to park my car in many major cities. Is there a way for me to park my car easier and cheaper?

How does the OV-chipkaart work?

What types of OV-chipkaart are there?

How can I find out which tram, bus or train I need and the departure times?

It seems that everybody is biking in the Netherlands. Where can I buy a bike for myself?

I have hardly any knowledge of biking. How can I learn to bike?

Can I travel by public transport if I don't have an OV-chipkaart?

What kinds of tickets are available for the train?

For the train you can use either paper cards or the OV-Chipkaart (chip card used to pay for public transport)  The main tickets available are:

  • Single ticket
  • Return ticket
  • Day travel card for the train
  • Day travel card for all public transport (called Holland travel ticket)
  • Bicycle day travel card
  • Rail runner (cheap ticket for children aged 4 to 11 accompanied by an adult)
  • Group ticket off peak hours (single ticket)
  • Joint discount ticket off peak hours


You can find an overview of available tickets on


Should you experience a delay of 30 minutes or more, you might be entitled to a refund.  Read more about this on the website of the Dutch Railways.

What is the minimum age to ride a moped in the Netherlands?

What kinds of bikes are available?

Are there any special traffic rules for cyclists?

Are there any special traffic rules for mopeds?

How can I arrange a parking space lot near my house?

How are parking spaces lots organised in the Netherlands?

I am an international student but don't qualify for the student OV chipkaart. Is there any other way to travel cheaper?