Transportation Netherlands

I find it difficult and expensive to park my car in many major cities. Is there a way for me to park my car easier and cheaper?

How does the OV-chipkaart work?

What types of OV-chipkaart are there?

There are three different types of OV-chipkaart (chip card used to pay for public transport) to choose from:

  • Personal OV-chipkaart: this card is intended for the frequent traveller. To apply for a personal OV-chipkaart, you can pick up a paper application form at the counters for public transport companies or apply online at the
  • Anonymous OV-chipkaart: designed for the infrequent traveller, this allows the holder to travel immediately, once you have added money to your card. It can be purchased at sales devices in stations, newsagents, supermarkets and public transport companies’ counters.
  • Business OV-chipkaart: the business OV-chipkaart. This card is offered to employees of companies by business card providers. If you have a business OV-chipkaart and have a question, please contact your business card provider. The contact details can be found on the front of your card.

How can I find out which tram, bus or train I need and the departure times?

It seems that everybody is biking in the Netherlands. Where can I buy a bike for myself?

I have hardly any knowledge of biking. How can I learn to bike?

Can I travel by public transport if I don't have an OV-chipkaart?

What is the minimum age to ride a moped in the Netherlands?

What kinds of bikes are available?

Are there any special traffic rules for cyclists?

Are there any special traffic rules for mopeds?

How can I arrange a parking space lot near my house?

How are parking spaces lots organised in the Netherlands?

I am an international student but don't qualify for the student OV chipkaart. Is there any other way to travel cheaper?