ACCESS NL > Relocating to the Netherlands > First three months > Transportation Netherlands > I find it difficult and expensive to park my car in many major cities. Is there a way for me to park my car easier and cheaper?

Transportation Netherlands

I find it difficult and expensive to park my car in many major cities. Is there a way for me to park my car easier and cheaper?

There is a severe lack of parking space in most big cities in the Netherlands. In an effort to reduce congestion, many cities have a park and ride scheme (P+R- locaties). The driver parks at an organised, out of town location and then finishes the journey via public transport to the city centre. ANWB (the Royal Dutch Touring Club) lists all park and ride schemes in an area. This scheme is very helpful to many people for finding a parking space more quickly as well as for spending less on parking fees. You find the parking space via the routeplanner of ANWB on

Each city in the Netherlands has a Municipal Parking Department for all affairs related to parking such as parking permits. Please contact your municipality for further details.



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