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Social Engagement at The German International School The Hague
The German International School The Hague (DISDH) places great importance on sending students out into the world with an open mind and an open heart. Students not only need excellent academic skills to embark on their paths after High School, but also a sense of...
Vrijheidsmuseum Freedom Museum
Perched on a hill in the green countryside of Groesbeek near Nijmegen, Arnhem and the German border, the Freedom Museum seems, at first sight, to be covered by a massive white parachute.
Plastic pollution and the use of plastic in today’s society
One goal of a recent student exchange between eighth-graders from the German International School The Hague and St Kilian’s German School in Dublin was to discover more about the use of plastic and to cultivate awareness in dealing with plastic in their everyday lives. The questions Students from both schools worked together on a questionnaire inspired by...
Finding Your Dream Home in the Netherlands
ACCESS Magazine editor and writer Richard Morris details the complex path to securing a home in the Netherlands. Whether you are renting or buying, it's crucial to understand the fast-paced housing market and how to navi-gate the financial and legal requirements. Richard equips you with...
Healthcare in the Netherlands: An Expatriate’s Perspective
The aim of this article is to assist newcomers in understanding the Dutch healthcare system and how to manage their expectations.
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