It is not possible to obtain Dutch health insurance without a burgerservicenummer (BSN – citizen service number).
If you are coming to stay in the Netherlands for more than four months, you are required to have a residence permit and BSN. The BSN It is required for starting a job in the Netherlands, opening a bank account, using the health care system, applying for benefits, etc. When you are legally living or working in the Netherlands for longer than four months, it is compulsory to get Dutch health insurance. This is the so-called basisverzekering (basic insurance). It may take a while before you can get your BSN. If you need medical help while you don’t have your BSN yet, you can get the necessary care but will probably have to pay for it yourself. Once you have a health insurance, you can send the bill to your health insurance company and they will refund it according to their policy.
If you are temporarily residing in the Netherlands (fewer than four months), you are not obliged to take out Dutch health insurance. If you do not have a BSN, you are not registered in the Netherlands. If you still would like to take out Dutch health insurance, you will need to apply at the Social Security Office (Sociale Verzekeringbank – SVB). If you are working, it is likely that the request will not be accepted. In that case, you should make sure to extend the international or travel insurance from your home country.
If you have further questions, contact the SVB on 020 656 4848.
For more information related to your first three months in the Netherlands: