ACCESS NL > Healthcare in the Netherlands > Dutch healthcare system > Visiting the Huisarts - GP > How can I find a doctor that speaks my language (no English-speaking)?

Visiting the Huisarts - GP

How can I find an English-speaking huisarts?

How can I find a doctor that speaks my language (no English-speaking)?

All doctors during a patient consult have a choice to contact the ‘tolkentelefoon ‘(interpreters phone). This organisation Global Talk has many interpreters and translators able to translate over 200 languages. Besides translating documents, the translators can assists doctors/specialists during their doctor/patient consultation. Please note that you will be charged for this service. You can find more information at:

Alternatively, you can ask a Dutch-speaking friend to accompany you to the doctor’s appointment.

How can I contact my huisarts (GP) outside normal opening hours?

I am dissatisfied with my huisarts. Can I change to another huisarts?

I am temporarily immobile. How can I arrange help?