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Saudade: An Intersection of Archives and Art
Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Expatriate Archive Centre (EAC) in The Hague, Saudade: An Intersection of Archives and Art showcases ten unusual but phenomenal works from ten international artists. The works, encased into a suitcase, are being exhibited at the Expatriate Archive Centre and...
A healthy mind, in a healthy body during Covid-19
Have you gained the “coronakilos”, due to pandemic lockdown measures? Did the pandemic affect our fitness and eating habits? Which changes will remain? Read more about this here
ACCESS NL Anniversary: ACCESS at 35!
ACCESS has successfully adapted over 35 years, remaining the preeminent resource of information and support for internationals in the Netherlands.
International Community Fair – February, The Hague City Hall
Biggest International Community Fair The Feel at Home Fair is the biggest gathering of the international community in the Netherlands. Over 4000 people, representing more than 100 nationalities, come together to share their experience of life in Holland and make connections locally. The Fair is unique in its variety of...
Jobs: 10 tips to navigate your career during a pandemic
This article shares some good points to help you increase your chance in your job hunting with 10 good tips. Read about it more now
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International Locals Amsterdam
AWC (American Woman’s Club)
Eerde International Boarding School
STET The English Theatre
ABC American Book Center
Zein International Childcare