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The Undutchables: A survival kit for expats
Now in its 9th edition, The Undutchables (Publisher, year): an observation of the Netherlands, its culture and its inhabitants was first published back in 1989, and since then it has effortlessly claimed its spot as a bestseller that captures the essence of the contemporary Dutch...
GMW: Dutch law on Statutory Director
A statutory director holds a special position in Dutch law, unlike that of an ordinary (functional) director. This article explains more about it.
Feeling at home in The British School community
Anyone who has moved, or joined a new school, will remember that unmistakable feeling of being new. It can be an exciting time, but like all adventures, there can be challenges, too.
Social housing
There’s not enough housing in the Netherlands and, what is available, is too expensive. It’s a common complaint among not just internationals living in the Netherlands, but also the Dutch themselves. However, the Dutch government has been involved in providing affordable housing in the country...
Your maximum mortgage in 2023
Buying a house in the Netherlands can be a dream come true for you as expat, but it can also bring a lot of challenges when it comes to finding the right home and financing it. Let's help you navigate the world of Dutch mortgages...
Related Partners
A&H Finance
Utrecht International Center
FIGT (Families in Global Transition)
European Space Agency
International Waldorf School The Hague
Nord Anglia International School (NAISR)