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ACCESS NL > Linda Bosma-Malley April 2020
Famous Dutch Food: Lekker Nederland
Dutch food is not just potato. This article explores autumnal foods that offer a list of “comfort foods”, perfect for the colder, darker evenings.
Dutch Manhattan
Almere is like an open-air museum of contemporary architecture, where visitors are spoiled with stunning visual lines and geometric forms at every corner.
Learning in action
Part of day-to-day teaching here at The International School of The Hague (ISH) is inspiring children to look at real-world problems and find practical solutions. Our teachers find innovative ways to bring out the best and most creative thinking from students to get them there.
A Matter of Choice
This Face2Face article interviews two parents, one who chose a hospital birth, the other who opted for home births. They both talk about the reasons for their choices and how well it worked out for them. Both options have their advantages, and read about them...
Home thoughts from abroad
Home thoughts from abroad. The Netherlands might not be the first place one thinks about upon hearing Caldo Verde. But this traditional Portuguese green soup has recently taken on a distinctly orange flavour. Let’s find out more.
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