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ACCESS NL > Robert Morris, Observatorium tijdens de zonnewende, foto Martine van Kampen
Jobs: 10 tips to navigate your career during a pandemic
This article shares some good points to help you increase your chance in your job hunting with 10 good tips. Read about it more now
De Stijl Movement, historical Dutch design
While you may not know the name ‘De Stijl’, you might certainly be familiar with the visual language of this artistic movement, especially if you’ve lived in the Netherlands for any amount of time. Read more about it in this article
Between the Sea and the Sky
Amongst other things, the Covid-19 pandemic forced all of us to endure travel restrictions. But if you are a photographer–who has always challenged his own limits to reach the farthest, most unexplored lands to capture the essence of indigenous communities–then that restriction takes on a...
Childbirth preparation classes going back offline
ACCESS Childbirth Preparation classes going back offline! ACCESS trainers are ready to return to the classroom, despite having the online classes on-going.
Change of rules for organ donation
The rules for donating organs are going to change. Currently, all residents of the Netherlands aged 18 or older are requested to decide about donating their organs after their death. This means all people registered in the municipal records database. If they don’t make a...
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