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ACCESS NL > strawberries-blackberries-and-sliced-fruits-Valeria Boltneva from Pexels
Happy Motoring in The Netherlands!
There are numerous ways to get around the Netherlands and driving around the country this summer is a perfect idea! Happy Motoring!
ACCESS Childbirth courses – beyond the expected
Preparing for a birth, when far from ‘home’ and the familiar can be a challenge. For this reason, the ACCESS birth preparation courses were developed. For years now ACCESS has been providing birth preparation courses not only with the information which is needed in mind,...
Dutch cuisine: A street food called desire
According to a 2014 Oxfam study, the Netherlands ranked as the number one country in the world for having the most plentiful, nutritious, healthy and affordable diet. It seems the healthy focus of Dutch meals– sometimes accused of blandness in flavour–is offset by a guilt-free...
Positive parenting: Families with special needs children
Joining a support group is one of the most proactive steps you can take to managing a significant challenge in your life. Whether you’ve newly arrived in the Netherlands or you’ve lived here for twenty years, developing connections with others who understand your situation is...
The IamExpat Fair returns to Amsterdam this spring!
The IamExpat Fair Amsterdam – “Everything internationals need, in one location, on one day” The IamExpat Fair will take place at the iconic Gashouder Westergas once again this spring. With more exhibitors than ever before, this year’s fair on April 4 will...
Related Partners
British School of Amsterdam
International School Delft
Expat Mortgages
FIGT (Families in Global Transition)
The Hague International Centre
Westport Notarissen
Direct Dutch Institute