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Help during a divorce
2023/09/20 | By GMW Lawyers | Photo by Toa Heftiba
Deciding to end your marriage or relationship is difficult and brings many emotions as the path where you decide to leave each other as partners is set. Important decisions and agreements also need to be made during an already difficult time… GMW Advocaten can help.
Mediation for expats
It can be especially complicated during the time of a break-up to keep track of all the emotional – and legal and financial – consequences of a divorce, and this is all the more evident if the divorce is initiated in a country in which you are not originally from because you live and work there as an expat.
Divorce with the help of a mediator
A lawyer-mediator can provide you with the necessary overview and guidance, so it becomes clear where you stand. With a mediator, the applicable law is explained – is it, for example, the law of the country where you currently live, where you were married, or perhaps the law of the country of your nationality – and your specific situation is considered.
For instance, in expat cases – much more than in other cases – the issue of whether you both want to continue living in the Netherlands comes into play. If there are children born from the marriage, this is certainly an important issue as you cannot simply move (back) abroad with a child. Also, the fact as to whether or not taxes are paid in the Netherlands plays a more common role in expat cases in terms of making alimony calculations and outlining the financial picture after the divorce.
What are the benefits of mediation?
A major advantage of mediation is that you reach mutual agreements and thus decide on important issues in your life together. Another advantage is that mediation is often a much faster process than going to court for a divorce. The length of the process is often up to you. The mediator will follow your pace as much as possible. An additional advantage is that mediation is often less expensive and less burdensome than legal proceedings.
In conclusion
Do you need help from a mediator with a divorce? GMW lawyers employ specialised divorce mediators who will be pleased to assist you. If you have any further questions or would like to make an appointment, please feel free to get in touch.
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