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Get started with Utility Direct’s expat service today!
Discover how Utility Direct makes expat life in the Netherlands hassle-free by managing your utility needs efficiently. Get started with Utility Direct’s expat service today!
Men and mental health: Similar rather than different
Most likely as you are reading this, a man near to you will be struggling alone with his mental health–a concern often undiscussed and unaddressed. Here’s how we can all help.
A healthy mind, in a healthy body during Covid-19
Have you gained the “coronakilos”, due to pandemic lockdown measures? Did the pandemic affect our fitness and eating habits? Which changes will remain? Read more about this here
Eurythmy at Waldorf schools
The name eurythmy means beautiful rhythm. It is a form of movement that is based on rhythm, narrative or music, used in Waldorf schools to help the growing child develop physically in harmony with his/ her mind.
Your maximum mortgage in 2023
Buying a house in the Netherlands can be a dream come true for you as expat, but it can also bring a lot of challenges when it comes to finding the right home and financing it. Let's help you navigate the world of Dutch mortgages...
Related Partners
MLP Real Estate
International Waldorf School The Hague
International School Delft
Amersfoort International School
British School in the Netherlands
Bright Future Foundation
Direct Dutch Institute