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photo: Nataliya Vaitkevich
True Colors Childcare
True Colors childcare True Colors offers professional childcare for the children of the international community in Rijswijk (Dutch) and Delft (bilingual). True Colors has two childcare locations. One is in Rijswijk (near The Hague), close to the European Patent Office and Shell EP. The other...
IamExpat Fair in Amsterdam, April 6th
Expats are citizens of the world, but they still have local needs. Whether you’re a new arrival or long-term resident, there’s a lot to learn about life in the Netherlands: from finding a house, job or school for your kids, to choosing an accountant, legal...
The Tower of Babel at DISDH-Kindergarten The Hague
Hearing a multitude of languages is part of the daily experience at DISDH-Kindergarten. Even at the young age of three and four, many children are already used to hearing and speaking two, three or even four different languages.
Access is accessing
Access is accessing: As the world strives to be more inclusive, how are bicycles and cycle paths helping create an equal society and making life more accessible for people with different physical and/or intellectual abilities.
A good time to buy art
It is a great time to buy art, especially with lavish art fairs approaching such as BRAFA Art Fair and TEFAF Maastricht. Buying in today’s art market could be a good investment as several reports have confirmed positive health indicators in the art market in...
Related Partners
Volunteer The Hague (PEP)
American School of The Hague
2Samen Childcare
Soraya Education Advisor
Empower Amsterdam
Expats Overseas - Netherlands