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Knowledge through nature at Eerde
At Eerde International Boarding School (EIBS), learning goes beyond the classroom walls. Students are encouraged to develop their full potential by interacting with nature and the world beyond the traditional academic setting.
Supporting Adolescent Mental Health and Wellness at NAISR
A growing body of research is placing mental health and well-being at the centre of an integrated approach to adolescent health. At the Nord Anglia International School Rotterdam (NAISR) a critical question has arisen: How do we ensure mental health and well-being forms a key...
Tax: The Taxman Cometh
So, you’ve just arrived in the Netherlands and may be wondering how to navigate the thorny forest of taxation, particularly if you are a privileged individual holding diplomatic status or similar. This article will focus on the implications for you and your partner as they...
Positive parenting: Families with special needs children
Joining a support group is one of the most proactive steps you can take to managing a significant challenge in your life. Whether you’ve newly arrived in the Netherlands or you’ve lived here for twenty years, developing connections with others who understand your situation is...
Employee Experience... from the desk of our Director
Employee experience during this coronavirus moved towards a far more humanistic, empathetic and broader paradigm. Deborah Valentine, ACCESS Executive Director shares her thoughts in this article
Related Partners
British School in the Netherlands
Amity International School Amsterdam
The TaxSavers
ABC American Book Center
Intercultural Participation of Chinese Families (IPCF)
Winford Bilingual Schools