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Are you thinking about starting your own business?
Becoming self employed is very popular in the Netherlands, also for the non-Dutch. Some people take a leap of faith and start full-time. Others start slowly and see how it goes. For example, if they are (still) employed or have a working partner. In any...
Start your kids learning early!
At the British School your child’s love of learning doesn’t have to wait. Children from age three can join the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Empowerment Through Volunteering
Many internationals who come to the Netherlands are curious about volunteering and connecting with local Dutch non-profit organizations, but don't know where to start. How can one find opportunities? Are Dutch language skills necessary? And what are the benefits of volunteering? Find out more in...
Arts: Dancing in the time of Corona
The Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) extends its reach during these trying times. This article is an interview with Willemijn Maas, managing director of NDT about the story of dancing in the time of Corona.
Join the adventure... Zein Holiday Camps
Whether you’re looking for something fun to keep your child occupied, or you need full time care while you’re at work, Zein has the answer! The exciting range of Multi-Activity & Themed Day Camps are arranged by age group to ensure campers of all ages...
Related Partners
Expat Republic
International Waldorf School The Hague
HSV International School (Haagsche Schoolvereeniging)
Soraya Education Advisor
A&H Finance
Bright Future Foundation