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ACCESS NL > person-pointing-at-black-and-gray-film-camera-near-macbook-Element5 Digital from Pexels
Dutch Spring Greens: All the right springredients
Much like the weather, spring ingredients are greener, lighter and brighter. Dishes are simply made and devoured more quickly. Spring stretches from March until June in the Netherlands, bringing with it new buds, new rains and new excitement for the balmy months...
It started with a dog named Sunny
In 1935, Sunny began accompanying a blind brush maker in Amsterdam to and from the factory where he worked. The 10-month-old Malinois mix was the first graduate of what would become the Koninklijk Nederlands Geleidehonden Fonds – KNGF (Royal Dutch Guide Dog Fund), the first...
Change of rules for organ donation
The rules for donating organs are going to change. Currently, all residents of the Netherlands aged 18 or older are requested to decide about donating their organs after their death. This means all people registered in the municipal records database. If they don’t make a...
Settlement agreements and redundancy
Amid rising reorganisations, settlement agreements have become a frequent topic. The decision to accept or reject such an offer is complicated for internationals, who must also consider their residence rights. Expat employment law expert Godelijn Boonman shares key tips and advice.
ISH spreading its wings
The long-anticipated opening of the new wing of the Primary School of The International School of The Hague (ISH) has finally arrived. This light, open, beautiful, multipurpose building was constructed on the existing campus, linking to the existing school, and houses our Reception to Year...
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