ACCESS NL > Features > Childbirth preparation classes going back offline
Childbirth preparation classes going back offline
2020-07-20 | By ACCESS
The smile on the face of our birth trainer, Truus Gale, was hard to hide. Following months of successfully managing the online course delivery, she and the other ACCESS trainers are ready to return to the classroom. And, while many of our clients are also looking forward to ‘offline’ opportunities to connect, learn and prepare for their new lives – some may be wary and will want to continue, online, for a bit longer. ACCESS understands, as do our trainers. So, online courses will also be part of the new offerings.
RIVM considerations
Needless to say, each trainer has inspected their locations, established what the maximum course numbers can be, ensured there are cleaning materials in the bathrooms, and considered the impact on ‘refreshments’ available during the course. All this in order to not simply keep safety and security measures in place, but to ensure, above all the health and safety of their clients as well as themselves. So, all things considered, and unless there is a different message from the RIVM courses starting in August and September will be offered face-to-face.
An update of the dates for both the off-line courses, as well as the online courses can be found on our website, and our team which manages the registrations and inquiries is also ready to serve you as they have being doing so throughout the COVID-19 period.
Birthing away from home
ACCESS knows, more than any organisation what the additional trials and tribulations of starting (or continuing) a family far away from ‘home’ can be. Since 1986 we have worked with the international community – providing answers to questions, courses such as ACCESS Childbirth Preparation Course as well as our on-call Counselling Network to ensure internationals make of the Netherlands – their temporary (or permanent) home. We know there are questions – all the time, and we know how to answer them with your situation in mind. Our team of volunteers are themselves internationals, and have also successfully navigated the transition.
Past course participants – from before the COVID period, as well as more recently – have shared their praise for our courses, and complimented the work of our trainers & team. We are proud of what we do, and even more proud to see the numbers continually growing. Imagine, in 2019 alone we were a part of the happiness in more than 310 families. An 18% increase over the year before.
“ We very much enjoyed the concept and content of the course. It was very informative on all aspects around what to expect when you are pregnant as well as practical steps one can take to prepare for the birth of your child. Overall it was a wonderful experience and we would recommend it to our friends.” R & T, Utrecht
Join us
So, if you are ready to meet fellow parents to be, and re-join our face-to-face childbirth preparation course do get in touch, and, if you are still wary – please note, we are also still offering online courses as well.
Among the changes though, in keeping with improved safety & security measures will be our request that class participants bring their own mugs & refreshments (lunch or snacks) so that there is less ‘handwork’ required by different people.
Join us today by choosing the date that best suits you here. Please note that our online courses are for all locations.
On behalf of our team, and trainers: Truus Gale, Ria Wiertz, Chitra Natarajan, Nina Bogerd and Meida van Baal, welcome!