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Change of rules for organ donation
2019-09-30 | By Genoveva Geppaart
The rules for donating organs are going to change. Currently, all residents of the Netherlands aged 18 or older are requested to decide about donating their organs after their death. This means all people registered in the municipal records database. If they don’t make a choice and are registered, it is up to the family to decide about donation of organs when they pass away.
Request to register
As of 1 July 2020, the rule will change to everybody is a donor unless they make clear that they don’t want to be.
The options you can choose from are:
- Yes, I give permission. You can exclude certain organs and tissues. If after donation, it appears that your organs and tissues cannot be used for a patient, they will be used for scientific research. You can object against this.
- No, I don’t give permission
- My partner or family decides. If your family disagrees, no organs or tissues will be transplanted.
- I am authorising a person of my choice to decide. In this case the details of the person will be registered. If this person can’t be reached after your death, your partner and other relatives will be asked to decide.
You can change your choice at any time.
If you haven’t registered, you will receive a letter asking you to register your choice. If you don’t make a choice within six weeks, you will receive a reminder. If you still haven’t made your choice, you will be registered in the Donor Register as having ‘no objection’. You will be informed accordingly. ‘No objection’ means that you agree to be an organ donor after your death. However, your family can stop this if they can convince the doctor that you really didn’t want to be a donor.
You can register your choice at!/login (Dutch only). You need to login with your DigiD.
More information is available on You can also call the Donor Line on 0900 821 2166 (from the Netherlands only)
The House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) expects that more organs will be available to transplant, which is great for all people on the waiting list.