ACCESS NL > Dual careers in the Netherlands > Working in the Netherlands > Unemployment in the Netherlands > I receive unemployment benefits in the Netherlands. How do I maintain this once I move abroad?

Unemployment in the Netherlands

I receive unemployment benefits from my own country. How do I maintain this once I move to the Netherlands?

I receive unemployment benefits in the Netherlands. How do I maintain this once I move abroad?

Applications for benefits under the Werkloosheidswet – WW (Unemployment Insurance Act) have to be submitted to the Government’s Employee Insurance Agency (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen – UWV). If you move to another EU country or a country that belongs to the EEA in order to find a job there, you can take your WW-uitkering (Dutch unemployment benefit) with you for a maximum of three months. For more detailed information please have a look at Before you leave, you need to arrange this with Public Employment Service (UWV Werkbedrijf). Please bear in mind that the employee who becomes unemployed after resigning from a job is not entitled to receive this benefit.

More information at the UWV website (in Dutch only):

Find the contact of the administration that you may have to get in touch on the country that you are moving to at:

What are the requirements to be eligible for unemployment benefits?

What is the procedure for claiming unemployment benefits?

What is the transitievergoeding (transition compensation)? And do I qualify for it?

What type of benefit is available if I don’t have any revenue/income?

What kind of benefit is available if I become ill?

What kind of benefit is available if I remain ill for a long time?