ACCESS NL > Dual careers in the Netherlands > Working in the Netherlands > Employment contracts > What are the official public holidays in the Netherlands?
Employment contracts
Does Dutch employment law apply to me?
What is a CAO (collective labour agreement)?
How do I know that my contract is in accordance with Dutch law?
Which information is usually included in an employment contract?
I want to know whether or not the employers in the Netherlands are obliged to pay a majority of the employee’s travel to work expenses, and if they're not, is there a way I can claim it back in taxes?
What are my legal rights and obligations when I have an on-call contract?
What are the rules for dismissal?
What are my legal rights and obligations when I have a temporary employment contract?
What are my legal rights and obligations when I have a permanent employment contract?
What are my legal rights and obligations when I have an employment contract with an employment agency?
I have some legal issues with my employment contract. Where can I get a legal assistance?
What are the official public holidays in the Netherlands?
Whether you are free from work on public holidays depends on the agreements made between employers and employees in the CAO (collaborative labour agreement) or those in your employment contract.
The Netherlands has one national holiday:
- Koningsdag (King’s Birthday) on 27 April
In addition, there are a number of generally-observed public holidays:
- Nieuwjaarsdag (New Year’s Day)
- Tweede Paasdag (Easter Monday)
- Hemelvaartsdag (Ascension Day)
- Pinksteren (Whit Monday)
- Eerste Kerstdag (Christmas Day)
- Tweede Kerstdag (Boxing Day, also known as Second Christmas Day)