ACCESS NL > Dual careers in the Netherlands > Starting a business in the Netherlands > Prerequsites for starting a business > Can I have the 30% ruling if I start my own business?
Prerequsites for starting a business
As a foreigner, am I entitled to start a business in the Netherlands?
Can I renew a residence permit for entrepreneurs?
How to apply for a self-employed residence permit?
What are the general residence requirements for entrepreneurs?
Can I have the 30% ruling if I start my own business?
If you are working for an employer under the 30 per cent ruling, you can continue to make use of the 30 per cent ruling if you start your own business in The Netherlands.
One of the requirements is that you, as an entrepreneur you are employed by your own private limited liability company (BV), that is, that you are on the payroll of your company. It is important that the company is a legal entity paying taxes in the Netherlands. It is suggested to consult an expert in this.
For more information on the conditions please see: