ACCESS NL > Dual careers in the Netherlands > Starting a business in the Netherlands > Prerequsites for starting a business > How to apply for a self-employed residence permit?
Prerequsites for starting a business
As a foreigner, am I entitled to start a business in the Netherlands?
Can I renew a residence permit for entrepreneurs?
How to apply for a self-employed residence permit?
If you require an Provisional Residence Permit (MVV visa Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf) you must file an application at the Dutch embassy or consulate in your home country or in a country where you are legally residing.
If you need to apply just for a residence permit, you can wait until you arrive in the Netherlands. You can apply by making an appointment at your regional IND desk. You can also apply prior to your arrival if you want to start work as soon as you arrive.
More information is available on the website of IND
If you are applying for the start-up visa, you do not require an entry visa (MVV) regardless of your nationality, provided all the requirements for residence are met. More information is available on the website of IND.