ACCESS NL > Counsellor > Sylvia Silberg Drs.

Sylvia Silberg Drs.

Sylvia Silberg practice location(s): Rijswijk and Monster (near The Hague, Voorburg and Delft)

Nationality: Dutch


NIP: yes

BIG: yes

ACCESS Start date: April 1996


  • Doctorandus Clinical Psychology
  • MS Counselling Psychology (cum laude)
  • Eerstelijn Consulten

Practice description

Sylvia Silberg has been immersed in a diverse cultural environment for all her life. She was born in Munich, Germany and has then lived in Israel and now in the Netherlands where she obtained her M.A. of Clinical Psychology. For eight years she was employed as a psychologist at the Clinical Genetics Department of the Leiden University Medical Centre. Since 1996 she has been working in her private practice with the expatriate community as well as with Dutch clients treating different psychological problems and complaints no matter the cultural background or religious affiliation.

Her practice offers the following treatments:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety and phobias
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Stage fright
  • Relationship problems
  • Identity issues
  • Low self esteem
  • Burnout
  • Genetic disease
  • Infertility
  • Adjustment to migration
  • Transitions to (re)marriage
  • Parenthood and divorce
  • Issues of the mid adult years
  • Grief and bereavement

Sylvia works with different approaches and various schools of thought, this enables her to choose from a wide spectrum of treatment possibilities, to best suit your current difficulties and the goals that you want to achieve. Her credentials, clinical experience and international background have enabled her to understand the complexities of expat life and to help clients through this challenging process.

Languages used for counseling work

English, German, Dutch and Hebrew.

Contact information


Silvia Silberg is part of our Counsellors on Call team.